About the Plan

As a defined benefit pension plan, The Regina Police Pension Plan provides eligible members with a retirement income based on a formula that takes into account the member's earning history and length of service in the Plan.


Some of the benefits of belonging to the Plan include:


      - a lifetime monthly pension based on the average of your highest three consecutive years of pensionable earnings and years of pensionable service;

      - early retirement options;

      - bridge benefit payable from early retirement up to age 65;

      - inflation protection;

      - termination benefits; and

      - survivor benefits.


The Plan represents both police and civilian members of the Regina Police Service.



Membership Profile

Plan membership includes active members who are still working and accruing benefits under the Plan, deferred members who are entitled to receive benefits upon retirement, and retired members and survivors who are currently receiving a pension.


Plan Membership at December 31, 2023:





Investment Holdings

Assets of the Plan are actively managed in accordance with the Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures.


Asset Class Allocation at December 31, 2023: